Displaying Videos on a Page Brynna Exley October 30, 2023 19:17 How do I display a video? Created by Nia on 6/13/2023 Edit original on dubble 1. Log in to the MV platform. 2. Navigate to the page you'd like to add a video to. In this case, it's on an example page. 3. 4. 5. Click into the text editor. 6. On the platform where the video you want to display is uploaded, take the URL of the video, often found under the label 'Share'. 7. 8. Copy the link provided, which we'll paste into the MV platform. 9. Back in the MV platform, click on 'Insert Video'. 10. Paste the URL you copied from the video platform. 11. Click Insert. 12. Don't forget to click Update! 13. Refresh your site, and see your video featured on its page. Comments 0 comments Please sign in to leave a comment.
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