Prayer Requests are a wonderful way that you can use your MV PRO 3 website to engage with people. That being said, it's very important when inviting people to submit prayer requests online that you are (1) very clear about how those requests will be handled and (2) confirming that the person submitting the request has permission to share information publicly.
It is helpful to list the ways in which prayer requests will be handled. For example, will they be read and prayed aloud during services, printed in a worship bulletin, or prayed by a private intercessory prayer group? You might want to ask if the person submitting the prayer request wants to be contacted by a member of the clergy or pastoral care team. You might want to confirm who is being prayed for - is it the person submitting the request or someone else. No matter what, it's important to respond to people and to handle their prayer requests with care and confidentiality.
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